Stuart J Birrell

Stuart J Birrell

  • Technical Lead


Contact Info

2323 Elings
605 Bissell Rd.
Social Media and Websites


  • Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois, 1995
  • M.S. Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois, 1987
  • B.S. Agricultural Engineering, University of Natal, South Africa, 1984

Dr. Birrell's research focuses is concentrated in two areas (1) the development of sensors and controls that can be applied in advanced machinery control and in precision agriculture, and (2) Harvest technologies and biomass harvesting and logistics. Present projects include developing a real-time soil nitrate sensor system for precision nitrogen applications, development of sensors based on dielectric measurements, industry sponsored combine harvesting projects and development of biomass harvesting systems.

Iowa State University gratefully acknowledges Danfoss Power Solutions for their donation to make this facility possible.