Brian Steward
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Brian L. Steward is Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at Iowa State University. Dr. Steward teaches in the areas of fluid power engineering and technology, dynamic systems modeling and simulation, and solid modeling. His research focuses on agricultural machinery systems including field automation and sensing at the machine-soil-plant interface and virtual design and testing. Dr. Steward is professor-in-charge of the Danfoss Fluid Power Teaching Laboratory and the Off-Highway Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Laboratory. He leads the fluid power educational programs at ISU, training approximately 200 students per year in fluid power. He also teaches hydraulics short courses to practicing engineers. He is a member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers in which he been an associate editor of ASABE journals for over 15 years. He has over 250 technical publications and presentations including 54 refereed journal articles and 57 invited talks. He has received more than $6.8 million in grants and contracts as a principal investigator or co-principal investigator. Dr. Steward received his BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from South Dakota State University, and his Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.